Cabin Days is a round-robin style full-stack scheduling assistant web application for a fictional cabin. Presently, this fictional cabin is presumed to have four owners who are trying to divy up twelve weeks in the summer for their time at the cabin. Once the owner in the first position of the round-robin makes his or her selection, the calendar will be updated to show that week as "reserved," an email will be sent to the owner confirming their reservation, an email will be sent to the owner in the next position on the round robin informing him or her that it is their turn to select a week at the cabin, the round robin roster shifts appropriately, and the week selected disappears from the drop down selection menu. Selection continues until all twelve weeks have been chosen by an owner. This app utilizes the following technologies: Node.js, Javascript, JQuery, Sequelize.js, MySQL, Express, and the Nodemailer Node.js package (which may be found here: ).